Align Number to Multiple

Last updated on August 13, 2024 am

Align Number to Multiple

Aligning an integer, say n, to its closest muplitple of m is easy by using round(n / m) * m (arithmetic division) or (n + m - 1) / m * m (Euclidean division).

However, if m is a power of 2, i.e., m = 2k, using bitwise operations can help a lot.

aligned_n = (n + (m - 1)) & ~(m - 1);


This should be viewed from a binary perspective.

For example, say m = 8 and demonstrate it in 8-bit binary.

variable number binary
m 8 0000 1000
m - 1 7 0000 0111
~(m - 1) / 1111 1000

By applying bitwise AND &, the lower bits of the number are cleaned to 0, leaving the result becoming the multiple of m.

If not adding m - 1, the result will be the closest multiple smaller than n, and adding it makes sure the result is bigger than the original number n.


(n + m/2) & ~(m-1) is an alternative, and adding a number ranging from m/2 to m - 1 is technically all fine.

This method could be helpful in memory page alignment, where standard library is not available and we can sacrifice a little bit of readability of the code. For example, PGROUNDUP and PGROUNDDOWN in xv6, which stand for page round up and page round down, are implemented in this way.


  1. c - What is bit masking? - Stack Overflow
  2. Bit Twiddling Hacks - Round up to the next highest power of 2
  3. c - What do PGROUNDUP and PGROUNDDOWN in xv6 mean? - Stack Overflow
  4. mit-pdos/xv6-riscv: Xv6 for RISC-V
  5. Bitwise operation - Wikipedia

Align Number to Multiple
Posted on
March 12, 2023
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